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How to Regain Confidence: The Power Struggle of ADHD and Self-Esteem 

Updated: May 4, 2024

In order to have a more neurodiverse inclusive and welcoming community, we must understand that ADHDers are not characteristically flawed and do not choose their neurodiversity. Within many communities, there are high reports of bullying and blame towards those with ADHD. It is often heard that those with ADHD simply need to ‘try harder’, ‘it’s not that difficult’ and that ‘you are choosing to act this way’. These claims are simply incorrect. Hate and blame will not make ADHD traits disappear. The only possible outcome from those phrases is a drop in self-esteem. 

By Izabella Helbin


Current research shows that individuals with ADHD tend to have lower self-esteem than their neurotypical peers.

This can be due to: 


People do not always recognize ADHD to be a condition affecting daily functioning. Parents are more likely to act cold towards their children with ADHD because they simply do not understand how it feels being in their shoes. Other children are also prone to bullying classmates with ADHD traits. Studies have been conducted in various school systems and have shown that for every 15 negative comments a child with ADHD receives, there is only one positive comment. 

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