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Diverse minds
3 min read
Understanding Alexithymia under the Neurodivergent Microscope
In the diverse world of neurodivergence, the word “alexithymia” is a lesser-known term. It is typically overshadowed by more recognized...

Diverse minds
2 min read
The Perfect ADHD Gift Guide
Shopping for yourself is often a gratifying and enjoyable process. Shopping for others, however, not so much. These feelings often come...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Fear of rejection and lack of social acceptance co-exists among most neurodiverse individuals. Often, this fear of being socially...

Diverse minds
3 min read
A Letter Unveiling the Hidden Burden of the ADHD Tax: Navigating Neurodiversity's Financial Challenges
Today, I decided to write a letter because I wanted to have an open and heartfelt conversation about a concept that many of you might...

Diverse minds
2 min read
What is Autistic Scripting?
By Sophia Yamini As awareness of autism and its varying features expands, a new phenomenon has taken center stage. This phenomenon is...

Diverse minds
3 min read
The link between depression and gut health
By Sandra Kwan Fear of rejection and lack of social acceptance co-exists among most neurodiverse individuals. Often, this fear of being...

Diverse minds
2 min read
What is "ADHD Paralysis"?
By Shaylin Prajapati "Picture this: you are sitting down at your desk, laptop in front of you, ready to tackle your to-do list, but it...

Diverse minds
3 min read
ADHD and Household Chores
BY ELLIE MONROE Chores are a part of life no matter who you are, but why are they so hard to start? First things first, it’s important to...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Memory and Dyslexia
BY DIVERSE MINDS Recalling different ideas, concepts or even simple lists can be challenging for all individuals. We have all experienced...

Diverse minds
3 min read
What are the traits of dyslexia in adult women?
BY GINA SAAD Having some difficulty while you read? Letters are zoning out while reading? Each adult woman with dyslexia can experience a...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Riding Public Transportation as a teen with ADHD and Autism
BY ROMY BEA GORDON Public transportation can be hard for people who are neurodiverse and, in fact, neurotypical people as well. I used to...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Dyslexic Girl Living in a Neurotypical Society
BY GINA SADD Dyslexia is often portrayed as differences in neuropsychology which impacts the quality of reading and writing. It is part...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Underdiagonsed traits of ADHD in Women
BY ALIYA BACCHUS You are just different, not less! Everyone receives and deliver information differently. Do not judge yourself. Make...

Diverse minds
2 min read
How to Navigate Social Media
BY SADAF SALEHZADA Safety guide on social media Social media can be overwhelming when you first start, and you may not know where to...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Online Communities and resources for Neurodiversity
BY SADAF SALEHZADA Community is an important part of healthy living, and with the rise of online social media it is easier than ever...

Diverse minds
3 min read
How Capsule Closets Can Be Useful for Neurodiversity
BY SADAF SALEHZADA This minimalistic modern walk-in closet from Indonesia Magazine is a great example of capsule closet. Fashion is the...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Imagine If You Are asked what ADHD Looks Like In A Person
BY DEVON O'Reilly What is ADHD? When the four letters A-D-H-D are referenced, it is common to associate them with a particular depiction....

Diverse minds
2 min read
How to Organize Your Bedroom? ADHDer Tips!
BY ADRIANNA SCHMEICHEL For most of us, our bedrooms are our safe place. It's where we sleep and a sanctuary for us after a long day....

Diverse minds
3 min read
Hitting the Pause on Menopause: Experiences of menopause for women with autism
BY ANNA COUGHLAN Why don’t people talk about menopause? Regardless of this being a natural and healthy part of a women’s life cycle,...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Vital Periods of life: Woman with autism: preparing for and managing periods
BY ANNA COUGHLAN Ever felt embarrassed about your period? When talking about a woman's period, some underlying thoughts might be...
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