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Diverse minds
3 min read
How to Get Out of Bed with ADHD
ADHD is a daily struggle and it can begin the moment the alarm clock rings. The battle to get out of bed for individuals with ADHD can...

Diverse minds
3 min read
How to Maintain a Healthy Skin Care Routine with ADHD
Imagine an organized and manageable skin care routine simple enough to be done in a time-efficient manner. Does it sound impossible to...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Dyspraxia and recommended hair care products
Dyspraxia can be accompanied by difficulties in performing structured skilled tasks, voluntary movements, and motor planning. This may...

Diverse minds
4 min read
Some time ago, I found out someone was talking about me behind my back. No good is ever heard behind one’s back and this time was no...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Shop Till You Distract: Navigating ADHD and Shopping
Have you ever wondered what goes through the brain of an individual with ADHD when shopping? Picture an individual walking through a...

Diverse minds
4 min read
Guide To Trying New Foods
Food can be an enjoyable way to connect with other people, cultures and the world around you. It boasts an abundance of flavours and...

Diverse minds
4 min read
Styling Your Hair With Dyspraxia
Styling your hair is a fun way to showcase your self-expression and embrace your unique hair texture and colour. But as most of us know,...

Diverse minds
3 min read
How to Regain Confidence: The Power Struggle of ADHD and Self-Esteem
In order to have a more neurodiverse inclusive and welcoming community, we must understand that ADHDers are not characteristically flawed...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Yoga?! Let's Have Some Fun Time
While many forms of fitness aim to attain a physical standard, yoga aims to achieve fitness through the connection between our mind, body...

Diverse minds
3 min read
ADHD and Racing Thoughts
Looking beyond motor hyperactivity Although we often see hyperactivity as physical, hyperactivity does perpetuate mentally as well. On...

Diverse minds
3 min read
A Letter Unveiling the Hidden Burden of the ADHD Tax: Navigating Neurodiversity's Financial Challenges
Today, I decided to write a letter because I wanted to have an open and heartfelt conversation about a concept that many of you might...

Diverse minds
2 min read
ADHD and Unfinished Projects
Living with ADHD can make staying focused a little difficult. Being easily distracted when you have ADHD does not mean you're lazy or...

Diverse minds
3 min read
Autism and Mimicking
Do you ever find yourself repeatedly, unintentionally sharing others’ gestures or figures of speech? This is actually very common among...

Diverse minds
4 min read
Mastering the art of writing a wining cover letter + guide
Applying for a job can be nerve-wracking, and when asked to submit a cover letter, it can make the application process even more...

Diverse minds
2 min read
Sarang Kitchen - A restaurant full of love and joy
By Chantalle Guddaran by blogTO To a passerby, Sarang Restaurant is just another restaurant, blending in with the mass of shops and cafes...

Diverse minds
2 min read
What is Autistic Scripting?
By Sophia Yamini As awareness of autism and its varying features expands, a new phenomenon has taken center stage. This phenomenon is...

Diverse minds
3 min read
The link between depression and gut health
By Sandra Kwan Fear of rejection and lack of social acceptance co-exists among most neurodiverse individuals. Often, this fear of being...

Diverse minds
2 min read
What is "ADHD Paralysis"?
By Shaylin Prajapati "Picture this: you are sitting down at your desk, laptop in front of you, ready to tackle your to-do list, but it...

Diverse minds
12 min read
Magazine: Escaped flavours issue: Becca Harris Talks ADHD Kitchen Health Time
BY KARINA KOFMAN Photographer: Draga It took 30 years for Becca Harris to discover her diagnosis of ADHD. She then found a way to make...

Diverse minds
7 min read
The lack of women representation in society - Excerpts of stories from Neurodistinct women
After spending most of their lives feeling isolated and faulty, they discovered that they are part of the ND community, the four members...
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