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Diet and Dyspraxia: A connection?

Updated: Aug 25, 2023



We have often heard about the revolutionary and ground-breaking studies that have shown the importance of diet and good mental and physical health. Recently, researchers have also been discovering that nutritions plays an even bigger role in the lives of the neurodiverse, more than ever before! Even though this is still debatable, more scientific research is needed to understand whether the two have a more significant relationship than we think. For instance, scientists have found out that a gluten and casein- free diet in individuals with autism, seem to improve some of the gastrointestinal issues that prove to be a major challenge while being on the spectrum. Let us now look at some of the diets associated with dyspraxia. It is essential to note that these are not “cures'' but rather a fun and interactive way of understanding how nutrition affects our body and vice versa.

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