Exercise in an activity that can greatly benefit our mental and physical health. Individuals with dyspraxia often have difficulties in fine and gross motor skills that often make exercising a challenge for them. Individuals with dyspraxia are more likely to be obese than those without. This is particularly prevalent in females. They are more overweight than men with dyspraxia.
Therefore, it is imperative we advocate the importance of physical activity and get people to engage in fitness from an earlier age.
Drafting exercise plan
When drafting an exercise plan for an individual with dyspraxia it is highly essential to consult a medical doctor and physiotherapists with a sound knowledge in some of the balance immobilities caused by dyspraxia. Doing this will ensure safety and to make sure one is not overtly straining themselves to achieve their exercise goals. It is also important to have fun and enjoy the process and find an activity with a social group that can give someone a good boost of energy, social benefits and anxiety release.